Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about booking on, coming to and keeping safe at WildLife Live events
Booking on a WildLife Live event
How do I find out what events are happening?
Future family and under 5s events are advertised on our upcoming events page as well as on FaceBook , Instagram pages and through Happity.
For more information on our schools / group events, virtual events / meetings and bespoke events, please contact us
How do I book a place on a weekend family event?
Clicking on the ‘book now’ button will take you to the website of our booking partner, Happity to reserve and pay for your place
How do I book a place on a weekday under 5s event?
We know how tough it is to plan anything with kids so we make things as simple as possible. Our 10am sessions are prebook only but all others are available on a first come, first served basis
If you do wish to book in advance, clicking on the ‘book now’ button will take you to the website of our booking partner, Happity to reserve and pay for your place
How to I book a schools / group visit?
Clicking on the ‘contact us’ button will allow you to email us with your request - please provide as much information as possible and we’ll endeavour to respond within 48 hours
How do I book a virtual event / meeting?
Clicking on the ‘contact us’ button will allow you to email us with your request - please provide as much information as possible and we’ll endeavour to respond within 48 hours
How do I book a bespoke event?
Clicking on the ‘contact us’ button will allow you to email us with your request - please provide as much information as possible and we’ll endeavour to respond within 48 hours
Coming to a WildLife Live event
What happens if it’s raining?
These are often outdoor events so please dress appropriately for the weather. Do feel free to bring umbrellas and extra picnic blankets to sit on and keep bums dry! The ground can be uneven, muddy or prickly so we strongly recommend boots or closed toed shoes. Only in extreme weather conditions will events be cancelled
What happens during the events?
Each of our events vary every time, depending on the particular animal guest stars and the chosen theme. However, they all allow you to get into nature and to meet and explore the lives of animals
Examples of family events include Bug Explorers, where you get up close and personal with some incredible and unusual mini beasts and then set out on a guided ‘field’ research adventure where we unearth and record all manner of beasties, and Owl Corner, where you get the chance to see an owl in person, learn about them and have your photo taken with them, and be turned into owl detectives so you can discover more, yourselves, with an interactive trail / treasure hunt
Having set up this company during a pandemic !- and having our own little wild children !!! - we completely understand the rate at which plans have to change. We will endeavour to help you out as much as possible and will bend over backwards to accommodate your needs….so please contact us as soon as you can. However, as we, ourselves, are charged when we make changes to the system - we cannot offer complete refunds….it is usually minus a couple of pence at least. We prefer, wherever possible to try and fit you in at a different session -and are happy for you to carry your tickets over to another time or day provided there is space and you provide us with as much notice as you can. Obviously - this only only applies if you inform us before not attending but we are very nice so please do email us with any problems and we’ll do our best to help!
Further questions? Contact us for more information