Online events and meetings
Are you stuck inside with nothing to do (thanks Covid-19!)? Are you shy, like some of our more sensitive animals who prefer to stay at home? Then why not join a Wildlife Live event online?
Are you bored of virtual meetings? Ever thought: “We need a chameleon to add some colour!” or “A hissing cockroach could answer that question for me!”? We can arrange that! Invite us to your meeting and we’ll join with a reptile or exotic bug.
Available between 10am and 2pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
£15 for a private 20 minute session * £5 for a five minute flying (or crawling!) visit
Contact us for further details
Suitable for all ages
Online events (20 minutes)
Did you ever wonder how long a chameleon’s tongue is, or do you often lie awake at night wondering how many legs a millipede has? Well, now you can find out without having to leave your sofa.
Some of our animal friends, like our chameleon, are total posers but very sensitive, so prefer to keep their public appearances online. And this way, you can run your session how you want. Take your time to ask all of your burning questions and choose whether you want to see all or just a chosen few of our four online animals: George the Chameleon, Banana the Millipede, Harry the Madagascan Hissing Cockroach or Gizmo the Bearded Dragon.
£15 for a private 20 minute session
Contact us for more information.
Online meetings (5 mins)
For some five minute fun in your virtual meeting - why not promote yourself to Khaleesi status by introducing a bearded dragon? Or threaten to replace your employees with a fabulous hissing cockroach!
See how much attention your colleagues actually pay in meetings by adding a chameleon (they are quite good at camouflage, you know) or start up a discussion over lunch about what disgusting thing baby millipedes like to eat.
Choose one online animal from: George the Chameleon, Banana the Millipede, Harry the Madagascan Hissing Cockroach or Gizmo the Bearded Dragon.
£5 for a five minute flying (or crawling!) visit
Contact us for more information.
Evening, weekend or more bespoke sessions can be arranged at special request

Check out our gallery to see more photos of what we get up to at WildLife Live!