How do skunks really smell? ( with their noses- boom boom! )
Go wild this Saturday and Kick Up a Stink with our good friend Ranger Stu ( who runs a zoo!) Enjoy a great presentation in our beautiful outdoor setting, a fun family quiz and the chance to come nose to furry nose with one of these ridiculously cute, yet much maligned animals. All at North London's finest ice cream farm with free parking and a large play area for your little ones to run wild in.
Our activities are outdoors, in the open, not under cover and take place rain or shine so please dress appropriately for whatever our great British weather may throw at us. As our wild field can be uneven and prickly at times we also recommend wearing closed toed shoes.
All children must be accompanied by a fee paying, responsible adult. Please, grown-ups- may we also ask you all to wear a mask for added protection? And children - please look after your adults!! Social distancing and hand (and paw) washing must be adhered to or you may be asked to leave. Feel free to use our great new bubbly, alcohol free hand sanitiser - FOO'S FOAM. ( Check out for more info)
Why not get into nature, learn something new and enjoy something wildly different this weekend? We can't wait to see you there!